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Version: 11.0

Application APIs

GET /api/v2/iman/storage


Get the hierarchy representation of the compute devices included in a particular application.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer API token/key. The format is Bearer <API_key>StringYes
orgIdThe ID of the organization. The format is OrgId:OrgNameStringYes

Query Parameters

appIdApplication IDStringYes

CURL Example

The below code snippet shows an example of the API call, where <NCE-IP>, <ORG-ID>, <API-TOKEN> & <APP-ID> are variables.

curl --location 'https://<NCE-IP>/api/v2/iman/storage?appId=<APP-ID>' \
--header 'orgId: <ORG-ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-TOKEN>'


Upon a successful request, the API returns Status code 200 with the following body:

storageNodeHierarchy nodeObject
- orgIdOrganization IDString
- siteIdSite IDString
- nameNode name - application name or compute device IDString
- hostNameDevice hostnameString
- vmNameDevice VM nameString
- vendorDevice vendor nameString
- fqdnDevice fully qualified domain name (FQDN)String
- fqdnListDevice fully qualified domain names listArray of strings
- deviceTypeDevice typeString
- typeDevice subtypeString
- iconIcon name for the device subtype used in the UIString
- detailsDevice additional detailsArray
- colorCodeString
- statusNode statusString
- childrenList of compute devices linked with parent-child relationship to this compute device. The children objects are with the same structure as for storageNodeArray of objects
spanHierarchy spanInteger
depthHierarchy depthInteger
statusHierarchy statusString

GET /api/v2/iman/topology/default


Get the links and relationships between all devices in a particular application.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer API token/key. The format is Bearer <API_key>StringYes
orgIdThe ID of the organization. The format is OrgId:OrgNameStringYes
siteIdThe ID of the site. The format is SiteId:SiteNameStringYes

Query Parameters

appIdApplication IDStringYes

CURL Example

The below code snippet shows an example of the API call, where <NCE-IP>, <ORG-ID>, <SITE-ID>, <API-TOKEN> & <APP-ID> are variables.

curl --location 'https://<NCE-IP>/api/v2/iman/topology/default?appId=<APP-ID>' \
--header 'orgId: <ORG-ID>' \
--header 'siteId: <SITE-ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-TOKEN>'


Upon a successful request, the API returns Status code 200. The response model is the same as the response for ::title

GET /api/v2/applications/flows/dynamic


Get the dynamic flows running between the devices in a particular application.

Header Parameters

AuthorizationBearer API token/key. The format is Bearer <API_key>StringYes
orgIdThe ID of the organization. The format is OrgId:OrgNameStringYes

Query Parameters

appIdApplication IDStringYes

CURL Example

The below code snippet shows an example of the API call, where <NCE-IP>, <ORG-ID>, <API-TOKEN> & <APP-ID> are variables.

curl --location 'https://<NCE-IP>/api/v2/applications/flows/dynamic?appId=<APP-ID>' \
--header 'orgId: <ORG-ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-TOKEN>'


Upon a successful request, the API returns Status code 200 with the following body:

nodesList of service flow nodes included in the applicationArray of objects
- nodeIdNode IDString
- deviceIdDevice IDString
- hostNameDevice hostnameString
- siteIdSite IDString
- fqdnListDevice fully qualified domain names listArray of strings
- fqdnDevice fully qualified domain name (FQDN)String
- ipAddressesList of IPv4 addresses associated with the deviceArray of strings
- serviceList of services running on the deviceArray of objects
-- fsAppRoleService roleString
-- fsServiceService nameString
-- serviceNamesService descriptionString
-- portPort on which the service is runningString
- deviceStatusDevice statusString
linksList of service flow links included in the applicationArray of objects
- sourceAppsApplication name of the flow sourceString
- destAppsApplication name of the flow destinationString
- sourceIpFlow source IPString
- sourcePortFlow source portString
- destinationIpFlow destination IPString
- destinationPortFlow destination portString
- srcDeviceIdFlow source device IDString
- srcHostnameFlow source device hostnameString
- srcFqdnListFlow source device FQDN listArray of strings
- srcFqdnFlow source device FQDNString
- dstDeviceIdFlow destination device IDString
- dstHostnameFlow destination device hostnameString
- dstFqdnListFlow destination device FQDN listArray of strings
- dstFqdnFlow destination device FQDNString
- sourceServicesList of the services from the flow source. Each object in the array contains the name of the service and a list of service definitions/pathArray of objects
- flowService flow IDString
- flowStatusService flow statusString
- lastUpdateTimeLast time when the service flow was updated. The format is timeyyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.tttZString
newNodeBoolean true/false if new nodes have been foundBoolean
newNodesList of newly identified nodes that are not included in the application. The new nodes objects are with the same structure as for the nodesArray of objects
newFlowsList of newly identified service flows that are not included in the application. The new flow objects are with the same structure as for the linksArray of objects
notNowFlowBoolean true/false if new not now flows have been foundBoolean
notNowFlowsList of not-now flows that are not included in the application. The new flow objects are with the same structure as for the linksArray of objects
staleFlowsList of stale flows that are not included in the application. The new flow objects are with the same structure as for the linksArray of objects